The Wolf

by wiggs66

wolf stencil

At a time when our borders are crashing in around us, and ‘home’ feels ever-increasingly narrow and more inward-looking, it gives me solace (and pleasure) to have two poems included in the current issue of The Wolf, a  journal with a truly international outlook, and one that instinctively understands that we know ourselves better through, and are enriched by, an open-hearted engagement with the world, and not by closing our minds and borders.

The timing is felicitous as the two poems I have in the magazine, which comes out today, concern my amateur yet obsessive relationship with the steppe, and (coincidentally) I leave for Saint Petersburg today to begin a three-month trip through Russia and Mongolia, most of which will be spent wandering around the grasslands of one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world. Let there be wolves…
